Load Wallet Balances

To provide a better UX, you might want to work with the wallet's balances.

The LI.FI SDK also can query the balances of various tokens a wallet holds.


getTokenBalance = async (
    walletAddress: string,
    token: Token
): Promise<TokenAmount | null> => {}

This method returns the balances of a specific token a wallet holds across all chains we have aggregated.


getTokenBalances = async (
    walletAddress: string,
    tokens: Token[]
): Promise<TokenAmount[]> => {}

This method returns the balances for a list of tokens a wallet holds across all chains we have aggregated.


getTokenBalancesForChains = async (
    walletAddress: string,
    tokensByChain: { [chainId: number]: Token[] }
): Promise<{ [chainId: number]: TokenAmount[] }> => {}

This method queries the balances of tokens for a specific list of chains for a given wallet.

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