Requesting all known Tokens

Request all tokens known by the LI.FI services

This endpoint gives a comprehensive list of all tokens that the LI.FI services are aware.

It is possible to filter them by chain to get a more concise and targeted result.

const getTokens = async () => {
    const optionalFilter = ['ETH', 137] // Both numeric and mnemonic can be used
    /// chainTypes can be of type SVM and EVM. By default, only EVM tokens will be returned
    const optionalChainTypes = "EVM"
    const result = await axios.get('',
        {params: {
            chains: optionalFilter.join(','),
            chainTypes: optionalChainType 

The response is an object with a tokens property. In turn this is an object with keys being ChainId and values being Token objects. The sample response for the sample request above is:

    "tokens": {
        "100": [
                "address": "0x6a023ccd1ff6f2045c3309768ead9e68f978f6e1",
                "decimals": 18,
                "symbol": "ETH",
                "chainId": 100,
                "coinKey": "ETH",
                "name": "ETH",
                "logoURI": "",
                "priceUSD": "1740.38"
        "137": [
                "address": "0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619",
                "decimals": 18,
                "symbol": "ETH",
                "chainId": 137,
                "coinKey": "ETH",
                "name": "ETH",
                "logoURI": "",
                "priceUSD": "1740.38"

Last updated

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