The following section will explain step by step how to transfer tokens across one or more chains.
Step 1: Requesting a Quote
You can request a quote either by specifying the fromAmount or toAmount
Quoting by Sending Amount ( fromAmount
To generate a quote based on the amount you are sending, use the /quote
endpoint. This method is useful when you know exactly how much you want to send and want to calculate how much the recipient will receive.
API reference for /quote endpoint
Example: Requesting a quote for transferring 1 USDC from Gnosis to USDC on Polygon:
Copy const getQuote = async (fromChain , toChain , fromToken , toToken , fromAmount , fromAddress) => {
const result = await axios .get ( '' , {
params : {
fromChain ,
toChain ,
fromToken ,
toToken ,
fromAmount ,
fromAddress ,
return result .data;
const fromChain = 'DAI' ;
const fromToken = 'USDC' ;
const toChain = 'POL' ;
const toToken = 'USDC' ;
const fromAmount = '1000000' ;
const fromAddress = YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS ;
const quote = await getQuote (fromChain , toChain , fromToken , toToken , fromAmount , fromAddress);
Quoting by Receiving Amount ( toAmount
To generate a quote based on the amount the recipient will receive, use the /quote/toAmount
endpoint. This method is helpful when you want to ensure that the recipient receives an exact amount of tokens.
Example: Requesting a quote for ensuring the recipient gets 1 USDC on Polygon:
Copy const getQuoteByReceivingAmount = async (fromChain , toChain , fromToken , toToken , toAmount , fromAddress) => {
const result = await axios .get ( '' , {
params : {
fromChain ,
toChain ,
fromToken ,
toToken ,
toAmount ,
fromAddress ,
return result .data;
const fromChain = 'DAI' ;
const fromToken = 'USDC' ;
const toChain = 'POL' ;
const toToken = 'USDC' ;
const toAmount = '1000000' ; // Amount the recipient should receive (e.g., 1 USDC = 1000000)
const fromAddress = YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS ;
const quote = await getQuoteByReceivingAmount (fromChain , toChain , fromToken , toToken , toAmount , fromAddress);
The recipient might receive slightly more toToken
than requested due to slippage or rounding
The quote
response contains a transactionRequest
object which can be directly passed on to your wallet/signer.
To learn more about quotes, head over to our Requesting a Quote guide.
Step 2: Sending the Transaction
After receiving a quote, the transaction has to be sent to trigger the transfer.
Firstly, the wallet has to be configured. The following example connects your wallet to the Gnosis Chain.
Copy const provider = new ethers . providers .JsonRpcProvider ( '' , 100 );
const wallet = ethers . Wallet .fromMnemonic ( YOUR_PERSONAL_MNEMONIC ) .connect (
Afterward, the transaction can be sent using the transactionRequest
inside the previously retrieved quote
Copy const tx = await wallet .sendTransaction ( quote .transactionRequest);
await tx .wait ();
For simple swaps on a single chain, this is enough.
For cross-chain transfers, the processing takes a bit longer. To handle this the API provides an endpoint to check the transfer status.
Step 3: Waiting for the transfer to complete
Checking the status of the transfer is only necessary for cross-chain transfers
To check if the token was successfully sent to the receiving chain, the /status
endpoint can be called:
Copy const getStatus = async (bridge , fromChain , toChain , txHash) => {
const result = await axios .get ( '' , {
params : {
bridge ,
fromChain ,
toChain ,
txHash ,
return result .data;
result = await getStatus ( quote .tool , fromChain , toChain , tx .hash);
If you want to learn more about the status endpoint and how to deal with the potential results check our Status Guide .
Links to the example transactions
Here you can find links to the sending and receiving transactions for the transfer from USDC on Gnosis to USDC on Polygon.
All things plugged together
The whole process then looks like this:
Copy const ethers = require ( 'ethers' );
const axios = require ( 'axios' );
const API_URL = '' ;
// Get a quote for your desired transfer
const getQuote = async (fromChain , toChain , fromToken , toToken , fromAmount , fromAddress) => {
const result = await axios .get ( ` ${ API_URL } /quote` , {
params : {
fromChain ,
toChain ,
fromToken ,
toToken ,
fromAmount ,
fromAddress ,
return result .data;
// Check the status of your transfer
const getStatus = async (bridge , fromChain , toChain , txHash) => {
const result = await axios .get ( ` ${ API_URL } /status` , {
params : {
bridge ,
fromChain ,
toChain ,
txHash ,
return result .data;
const fromChain = 'DAI' ;
const fromToken = 'USDC' ;
const toChain = 'POL' ;
const toToken = 'USDC' ;
const fromAmount = '1000000' ;
const fromAddress = YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS ;
// Set up your wallet
const provider = new ethers . providers .JsonRpcProvider ( '' , 100 );
const wallet = ethers . Wallet .fromMnemonic ( YOUR_PERSONAL_MNEMONIC ) .connect (
const run = async () => {
const quote = await getQuote (fromChain , toChain , fromToken , toToken , fromAmount , fromAddress);
const tx = await wallet .sendTransaction ( quote .transactionRequest);
await tx .wait ();
// Only needed for cross chain transfers
if (fromChain !== toChain) {
let result;
do {
result = await getStatus ( quote .tool , fromChain , toChain , tx .hash);
} while ( result .status !== 'DONE' && result .status !== 'FAILED' )
run () .then (() => {
console .log ( 'DONE!' )
Checking and setting the Allowance
Before any transaction can be sent, it must be made sure that the user is allowed to send the requested amount from his wallet.
This can be achieved like this:
Copy const { Contract } = require ( 'ethers' );
const ERC20_ABI = [
"name" : "approve" ,
"inputs" : [
"internalType" : "address" ,
"name" : "spender" ,
"type" : "address"
} ,
"internalType" : "uint256" ,
"name" : "amount" ,
"type" : "uint256"
] ,
"outputs" : [
"internalType" : "bool" ,
"name" : "" ,
"type" : "bool"
] ,
"stateMutability" : "nonpayable" ,
"type" : "function"
} ,
"name" : "allowance" ,
"inputs" : [
"internalType" : "address" ,
"name" : "owner" ,
"type" : "address"
} ,
"internalType" : "address" ,
"name" : "spender" ,
"type" : "address"
] ,
"outputs" : [
"internalType" : "uint256" ,
"name" : "" ,
"type" : "uint256"
] ,
"stateMutability" : "view" ,
"type" : "function"
// Get the current allowance and update it if needed
const checkAndSetAllowance = async (wallet , tokenAddress , approvalAddress , amount) => {
// Transactions with the native token don't need approval
if (tokenAddress === ethers . constants .AddressZero) {
const erc20 = new Contract (tokenAddress , ERC20_ABI , wallet);
const allowance = await erc20 .allowance ( await wallet .getAddress () , approvalAddress);
if ( allowance .lt (amount)) {
const approveTx = await erc20 .approve (approvalAddress , amount);
await approveTx .wait ();
await checkAndSetAllowance (wallet , quote . action . fromToken .address , quote . estimate .approvalAddress , fromAmount);
Last updated 4 months ago