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Our Contract has the address 0x1231DEB6f5749EF6cE6943a275A1D3E7486F4EaE
on all supported networks. You can find the ABI on Github.
The LI.FI Contract is built using the EIP-2535 (Multi-facet Proxy) standard. The contract logic lives behind a single contract that in turn uses DELEGATECALL to call facet contracts that contain the business logic.
All business logic is built using facet contracts that live in src/Facets
For more information on EIP-2535 you can view the entire EIP here.
A basic example would be a user bridging from one chain to another using Hop Protocol. The user would interact with the LI.FIDiamond contract which would pass the Hop-specific call to the HopFacet which then passes required calls + parameters to Hop Protocol's contracts.
The basic flow is illustrated below.
The LiFiDiamond contract is deployed along with some helper contracts that facilitate things like upgrading facet contracts, look-ups for methods on facet contracts, ownership checking and withdrawals of funds. For specific details please check out EIP-2535.